As a graduate, you'll be prepared to create a productive learning environment; to plan and execute instructional activities; to monitor and assess student learning; to address the special developmental and educational needs of students in lower and upper grades; to work effectively with all students, regardless of gender; to work with students from minority cultures and from homes where English is not spoken; to work with students with various disabilities and with those who are gifted and talented.

Undergraduate Programs

Dominican University offers programs leading to eligibility for New York State Certification in the following areas:

Students desiring to prepare for careers in Childhood Education or Childhood Education/Students with Disabilities may pursue either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in Education degree.

Meet the Director

Diane DiSpagna, Ed.D

Phone: (845)848-4118


Dominican University New York’s programs in Teacher Education are accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP):

The Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation
P.O. Box 7511
Fairfax Station, VA  22039-9998.